
I have one flock with strictly Black Copper Marans, and another flock of Blue/Black/Splash Copper Marans.

My Black Copper Marans flock came from a local breeder that did a fine job with them. They lay 4-6 on the Marans egg color scale and they are the biggest, friendliest chickens I have.

My Blue/Black/Splash Copper Marans flock originated with Deer Run Farm in Maryland. They lay 4-6 on the Marans egg color chart and most have big dark speckles.

Marans are not known to be productive egg layers, but the eggs they lay are unique in the chicken world. My Marans have all had great personalities and the hens will go broody and be great mothers.

My Blue Copper Marans do have some mossy feather coloring, but I am working to improve that trait and they are still beautiful, docile hens. I really look forward to improving this family of Marans.